Week 7 Story: Your Worst Fear Meme Authors Note: Source . Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913). I really liked the description of the monster in the tale, and it made me want to write a rhyme describing a monster in detail. I hope you enjoy!! How can one capture the horror? For this description is no snorer. I speak of a beast Who enjoys to feast. His hunger is only satisfied by the juicy flesh of many a human being. When mortal souls look upon him you know they are peeing. To give you an idea of his features that are so chilling. With simply a glance they could sure be killing. He is truly grim to behold. On him grows plenty of mold. Gazing into his blood red piercing eyes Could result in one’s demise. His skin was grey as ash, But he’s a messy eater so there is a red splash. With a mouth like a chasm, He uses his powerful jaws with enthusiasm. This mouth reeked of decay. This is from hi...